Globally harmonized system – GHS
GHS or Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals is an initiative, which was started up by the United Nations already in 1992, to come to a uniform system of describing the nature of chemical substances, in order to enhance the safe working with and handling of these products. Almost all of the countries in the world have adopted now this new system, which will be in full force starting June 1st, 2015.
In Europe GHS will replace the current system and is executed by the European Commission under Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures. The EC has made GHS part of its REACH regulations, which is administered by the ECHA. For safe use all chemicals must be registered and all companies importing or manufacturing chemical substances are legally bonded to have arranged this and keep administration of all individual chemicals, that are used in production or imported as part of a substance.
Of course Temati is following GHS and REACH regulations and is currently in the process of implementing the new system. The main visible differences for you will be the changes in labels and safety data sheets. More information on safe working will be included in the data sheets and the R&S (risk and safety) phrases will be replaced by new H&P phrases, which stand for hazard statements (H) and precautionary statements (P). Symbols or pictograms used on the labels will change from orange squares to red-lined diamonds and also new symbols will be introduced.
This means that you will see a change in the format of our labels and the information on these labels. As off this June 1st all labels must meet the new GHS laws and regulations. After this date it is no longer allowed to use the old labels, with one exception. Products, that are imported or manufactured before this date, can be used until June 1st, 2017. So for these materials it is still allowed to use old labels, but only during the transition period. In practice this can mean, that of the same product, pails can be supplied with either old or new labels. Safety data sheets will therefore be available in the old and the new format or a combination of the two.
If you have any questions on GHS please contact your local Temati office.