Know your obligations under UK-REACH
In Europe and UK, specific laws and regulations are in place, regarding safe working with hazardous substances. REACH is an important European legislation for anyone working with or trading chemical substances. UK REACH is the United Kingdom’s independent chemicals regulatory framework and applies for England, Scotland and Wales. This applies to all Temati customers and companies in our sector, including carriers. As a Temati customer, you can rely on us to closely follow all measures, obligations and procedures related to REACH. However, this does not mean that you have no legal obligations; quite the contrary. If you produce, import, distribute or professionally use chemical substances or mixtures of substances in Great Britain, UK REACH also applies to you! Below we further explain your obligations, in any sector.

REACH legislation for safety in the chemical industry
REACH stands for Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals. This legislation, introduced in 2007 is for the registration, evaluation and authorization of chemical substances produced or imported into the European Union. After Brexit in 2020, the UK REACH variant came into force in 2021 for Great Britain. The main goal of REACH is to protect both human health and the environment from the risks that chemicals can pose. The legislation has a broad scope, from production and importation to distribution and professional use.
Impact of REACH regulations on companies
UK REACH has a significant impact on companies that use or market chemicals within Great Britain. Manufacturers must collect information on the properties of their chemicals and register them with the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). This ensures that chemicals placed on the market can be used safely and damage to the environment is minimized. The industry is responsible for managing the risks of chemicals, which encourages innovation and the development of safe, sustainable products.
Obligations as a distributor
Anyone who trades chemicals is considered a distributor by legislation. As a distributor, you are responsible for complying with the registration obligations of the substances you trade. This includes being able to demonstrate how the substance can be used safely and you must communicate the risk management measures to the users. This is crucial to ensure that the substances you market can be used safely by end users and other interested parties. In addition, you must ensure that your suppliers comply with their registration obligations under UK REACH.

Obligations as a processor
As an insulator, installer or contractor, you also have obligations under REACH, especially when you process or use chemicals in your processes. It is important that you receive the correct information about these substances from your suppliers, including safety data sheets (SDSs), so that you can take safety measures and ensure the health of your employees. In addition, you must ensure that you use the substances as directed and minimize any risks to humans and the environment.
Safety Data Sheets
Safety Data Sheets should contain detailed information about the properties of substances, the hazards they may present, and the measures that should be taken to ensure safe handling and use. Temati ensures that all its products come with an up-to-date SDS Safety Data Sheet that complies with the (EU and UK) REACH specifications. These can be downloaded easily and without restrictions from

Basic principles of REACH
REACH is based on the four main components: Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction.
- Registration: Manufacturers and importers must submit data on the properties and uses of their chemicals.
- Evaluation: HSE, with the Environment Agency evaluate the submitted data to determine whether there are risks to health or the environment. They assess whether further testing is needed and to see if the risks of the substances are manageable.
- Authorization: Substances of very high concern are referred to as Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) within REACH. These SVHC substances must go through an authorization process before they can be used. More about SVHC substances.
- Restriction: To control risks, restrictions may be imposed on the production, use or sale of certain hazardous substances.
Registration of chemical substances
Temati, as a supplier and importer of insulation protection materials, must also ensure that all chemical substances that we import, store or sell are properly registered with HSE. This applies both to individual chemical substances and to the mixtures in which these substances are present. This requires companies throughout the supply chain to cooperate with each other to collect and submit the necessary data on the properties, applications and uses of these substances.
Evaluation and risk management
An important aspect of UK REACH legislation is the evaluation of submitted data by HSE, with the Environment Agency. Manufacturers and importers must ensure that the substances they supply are safe for their intended uses. This includes conducting risk assessments and implementing risk management measures. Indeed, unsafe handling of hazardous substances can lead to serious harm. You will find an overview of the requirements, guidelines and best practices for safely handling, storing, and working with hazardous substances in our white paper “Laws and regulations on CMR substances and REACH.
REACH substance list
REACH has compiled the substances of very high concern (SVHC substances) into a list. This list contains chemicals that pose a potential hazard to human health and the environment. This SVHC list is regularly updated and includes substances subject to authorization, restrictions or other regulatory measures under REACH. This list allows companies to assess their products and processes and identify potential risks, contributing to safer use of chemicals and better protection of people and the environment.
REACH and sustainability
REACH regulations encourage companies to innovate and promote the implementation of green chemistry principles, which aim to minimize waste and reduce the use of hazardous substances. Through strict control and restriction of hazardous substances, REACH forces companies to seek sustainable practices, ultimately leading to a cleaner and healthier environment. In addition, the transparency and availability of information on chemicals increases the confidence of end users and other stakeholders in the products.
UK REACH compliance is essential for safe and sustainable chemical practices. As a distributor, you must ensure that all chemicals you supply are properly registered, evaluated and documented, and provide your customers with accurate information on safe use. Processors, such as insulators, installers and contractors, must receive appropriate information from suppliers, including SDSs, to ensure worker health and minimize risks to people and the environment.
At Temati, we support our customers with complete and accurate information and SDSs so you can comply with regulatory requirements. Contact us for more information or download our white paper outlining requirements, guidelines and best practices for the safe handling of hazardous materials.